🧠 Time to DESTROY FinTok

Look at what this guy said...

Hey Finker.

It has come to my attention, and probably yours too, the TikTok is a CESSPIT of absolutely disgusting, awful, decrepit, condemned, bludgeoned, sewered, stinking, ridiculous and a hint of nuclear waste pile of financial content…

So I’ve started stitching videos (for those who don’t know what stitching is, it’s when you comment on another video with your own take or whatever), kinda dispelling… nicely… what they say.

For example, this guy thinks that liquidity doesn’t matter…


#stitch with @Stock Dads | Stocks + Options #investing it’s important to give thorough advice! #etfs #stocks

…and this guy doesn’t know what happens to his order after he clicks buy…


#stitch with @Christos | Personal Finance sorry mate! Just adding s tiny bit more info since costs matter! #investing #etfs #stocks

I mean, I’m being nice.

Most probably don’t care about this stuff, but this is why I’m doing it - to get people to care.

I want to get brokers’ margins down so bloody low they’re going to beg me to stop telling people how shit works.

If anyone is good at TikTok production, do hit me up, since I have NO idea how to use Adobe Premiere and it’s not worth my time learning! Reply to this email if you’d like to work with us, since TikTok is going to be a huge part of what we do going forward.

Also, like our videos and follow us on TikTok.

(If you don’t then this is me to you)

God, the prop industry has been BATTERED this week.

The best summation of events has been done by David Kimberly at CFDs Weekly…

🧠 Key bit!

In other words, MFF might have still got wrecked for fraud if they were just offering demo accounts, but it’s not clear that they would be getting hit anywhere near as hard as they are if they had done that alone.

The core around which much of the CFTC’s case is built is the fact that MFF was…

Offering certain OTC derivatives that are prohibited in the US

Offering FX derivatives without being regulated

Committing fraud in how it marketed these products versus the actual practices of the business

This aligns with what I said in reply to some other fella running another prop shop that said he would simply STP (straight through process) trades.

Guys, don’t let anyone tell you that things are hard to achieve when you have people who seriously do not get their subject matter but operate in the industry…

A much better option is to go with DarwinEx who ARE regulated and who DO have the real capital to provide to traders, rather than weird funny money that doesn’t exist.

They currently back traders with about EUR135mm and the strategies sit under a regulated FCA asset management entity.

Check them out below.

Since we’re expanding bigtime (I hope you like the new branding by the way), we’ve got an offer for Fink Pro for you.

🧠 What do you get with Fink Pro?

Dig deeper - detailed, actionable insights for professional traders and investors, spoken to like you're on a trading floor

Access to the community - a decentralised research team

Analysis & real time news feed so you're not left on your own

Daily updates of what you need to know that others simply will not provide

So if you want market info that is actionable and can get your creative juices flowing within your own investing and trading process, letting you Fink* faster, then join Fink Pro now for 10% off forever!

Yep - 10% off monthly or annual forever.

* We will stop using the Fink = Think pun someday, but definitely not any time soon, sorry.