Macrodesiac Becomes Fink.

Shorter name, upping our game

What’s up Macrodesiacs Finkers?

It’s been a while! Had to dust the rust off these typing fingers today.

We’ve got good reasons for going radio silent, we promise!

Soooo… Macrodesiac is no more.

Please stop crying. Don’t panic.

We’re all still here. There’s gonna be a few changes (for the better obviously).

First up, we’re re-launching on a new platform and under a new name.

All the same unique market perspectives. Even more trading secret sauce...

And much more. There’s gonna be more top tier premium stuff, including new guides, as well as the usual daily notes/musings.

Plus a few podcasts where David will drop knowledge and look swole 💪 

Like this one he just did with CMC…

Alongside the markets focused side of things that you’ll get from us here, we’re launching

We’ve got a massive goal. To improve the public understanding of this stuff we call money, and show how financial market fings impact the everyday person.

And we’re all everyday people really.

So this is us trying our hand at changing the world.

Sign up for free at Fink.Money and follow @Fink_Money to get all that juicy financial goodness

We’ll give away £200 to one lucky subscriber on the 30th of September!