🔔 Making The Most of Twitter Part 2

As promised last week here's our list of top Twitter accounts to follow 👇

Is this is a list of the absolute BEST accounts on Twitter?

It's not about being the BEST. Think of these accounts as tunnels into the FinTwit Multiverse.

They've all got different perspectives, backgrounds, areas of expertise, and ways of looking at markets. Which is the entire point!

We're huge believers in learning by osmosis:

Learning By Osmosis = Exposure to ideas and conversations produces the unconscious assimilation of ideas, knowledge & skills

And that's what we wanted to aim for. Twitter is the ultimate Osmosis learning platform.

Many of the accounts in this list will engage in thought-provoking conversations, recommend follows, provide context for news and/or debunk 'scary' headlines.

They're just generally awesome at helping people understand the world better, whether they mean to or not. So... 👇

Using Twitter Advanced Search

One of the least-known yet most useful tools that Twitter has is the Advanced Search 

Ridiculously, you can't find it by clicking the search box.

You have to go to the advanced search link where you can then filter your search in any number of ways 👇👇

Especially useful if you're trying to find something you vaguely remember from a few months ago or an image/chart.

For example, David's tweet about rent-seekers here. 👇

 Something for many to get into their heads. pic.twitter.com/2nFD1rgcmb— David Belle (@davidbelle_) December 1, 2021 

If I search for anything mentioned in the image, it won't come up. I remembered it was 🔥 though so I filtered by engagement (min. number of likes) and it came straight up.

Found a thread you like, but it's hard to read on Twitter?

Use the Thread Reader App. Instead of the Twitter view 👇

You get something far easier to read.

And if you pay the $3 per month premium, you get extra features and can even save threads to pdfs.

Last but not least...

Lists, Tweeten & Tweetdeck

Twitter lists really help break your feed down into sub-sections. Just like the cooking shows, here's two I prepared earlier:

Tweetdeck or Tweeten will let you organise your lists into columns and make it easier to keep up with what's going on.

And that pretty much covers all things Twitter.

The Opening Belle will be taking a break until Monday the 3rd of January. Big things are coming in 2022 so get yourself subscribed on macrodesiac.com!

Don't know what financial news stories are important and what is complete bullsh*t? Hop onto our filtered news channel.

It's completely free 👇👇👇

Subscribe to our YouTube Channel and stay up to date with all of our videos as they're posted. We'll keep expanding and adding more formats as we go!

And if you really want to get to grips with how global markets and economics work, with trade ideas to give you actionable context, then come and join us as a premium member where you're likely going to get a nice Market IQ boost. 👇

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