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  • Morning Call - Evergrande makes its bond payment! And what is in store for the FOMC tonight?

Morning Call - Evergrande makes its bond payment! And what is in store for the FOMC tonight?

Join David & Tim every Monday, Wednesday & Friday at 9am UK time live in the Discord, or listen back here from 10am each day!

We'll be talking about anything that pops up whether it's market, politics or macro related with a special guest every now and then.

Today, Evergrande made the first onshore bond payment and markets have taken this as positive news overnight.

However, this zoomed in perspective doesn't account for the longer term issues, it's just the first tick on a very long list of obligations.

How hawkish will the Fed be tonight? Dots & projections should add some volatility.

RBA's Debelle & Kuroda have already commented on the China situation.

Will it influence Fed decisions going forward? If QE is extended, will it continue to be seen as a tailwind for risk markets?