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  • Morning Call: Evergrande misses bond payment and what will come of the German election?

Morning Call: Evergrande misses bond payment and what will come of the German election?

Join David & Tim every Monday, Wednesday & Friday at 9am UK time live in the Discord, or listen back here from 10am each day!

We'll be talking about anything that pops up whether it's market, politics or macro related with a special guest every now and then.

Evergrande missed their offshore bond payment, but why should anyone care? It was always obvious that foreign investors would be near the bottom of the priority list.

China's economic future won't be defined by bond payments.  

Also, Germany's election this weekend is billed as defining the future of Europe.

Recent geopolitical decisions have shown that Europe needs strong leaders.

Replacing Merkel in Germany will be as challenging as replacing Fergie at Man United...