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  • Morning Call: Unemployment melancholy, AUDJPY the pain trade and understanding China

Morning Call: Unemployment melancholy, AUDJPY the pain trade and understanding China

Join David & Tim every weekday morning at 9am UK time live in the Discord, or listen back here from 10am each day!

We'll be talking about anything that pops up whether it's market, politics or macro related with a special guest every now and then.

Today we focused on the potential stickiness of high unemployment, UK furlough changes, understanding the policy risk when investing in China and some big levels in AUDJPY.

Some references and the vid 👇

 Anyone think that the reasons why job vacancies are going unfilled is because people have just ✨ given up ✨— David Belle (@davidbelle_) August 2, 2021 

 Latest HMRC data show 1.9 million people on #furlough on 30 June, down from 2.4 million on 31 May.

ps. more timely ONS survey suggests the number had already fallen further in early July - to between 1.0 and 1.5 million - though this is only an estimatehttps://t.co/ZN6kNVnVvg pic.twitter.com/0oQpyH5nhl— Julian Jessop 🇬🇧 (@julianHjessop) July 29, 2021