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  • 🔔 Old for you, young for us and seriously, have sex more if you want growth

🔔 Old for you, young for us and seriously, have sex more if you want growth

👂 Today's chat...

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🔥 Hot or 🚫 not?

In partnership with Equos.

The NASDAQ listed, institutional crypto exchange.

🔥 Yields, Yields, Yields

Corrr blimey, guv'na.

Yields have had it off.

What's the story?: Obviously, bonds have sold off. But what is the driver?

Our guess?

The Fed doesn't believe inflation is coming, so they're keeping conditions nice and loose...

In other words, there is no sign of tapering or interest rate rises, even in the face of higher growth prospects.

A scary take:

 In a normal market environment P/E declines when 10y yield rises. Over the last 60 years there were only three occasions when we had rising P/E with rising 10y yields at the peak of a 12year bull market. In '87, before the Black Monday, in '00 Dot com crash, and today.$SPX pic.twitter.com/n42dx8yHbZ— Ivan Krivicic (@IvanKrivicic) February 25, 2021 

🚫 Toblerones are going nice and cheap...

The Swiss France has been getting pummelled of late.


With all this risk on sentiment of equities flying higher, bonds coming in for a heavy landing and industrial commodities booming, the Swiss franc has been feeling a little under the weather.

Why's that?: The franc is seen a a safe haven asset.

That means that when conditions turn to crap, people want to buy it, since Switzerland is a neutral country with non-volatile politics and a pretty strong economy.

So there is a broad difference between the two countries, especially when many reckon US outperformance is coming.

🔞 Why's the age of a population so important?

Here's a few articles for you to look at to thrash out what we were chatting about in the pod.

🚚...and what about supply chains?

🏠 We spoke about property too

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