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  • Power Up: Silent Battery Revolution Changes EVERYTHING

Power Up: Silent Battery Revolution Changes EVERYTHING

Plus trading secrets from one of the biggest brokers EVER & teetotal breweries

Is not caring about the OpenAI / Sam Altman weekend drama a thing? We asked ChatGPT & it says all tech bro’s must die.

Who are we to argue?

🧠 The Big Brain
Trading secrets from one of the biggest brokers in history

Everyone knows the stats. Retail traders tend to lose.

The broker is the house, and the house always wins.

So just trade like your broker, duh.

Don’t worry. We’re not suggesting you should start making markets, but when the ex-CEO of one of the largest brokers to ever exist is spilling trade secrets, we listen.

Pro Premium Members: click here to read

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The Spark
Power Up: Silent Battery Revolution Changes Everything

INSANE things are happening in battery land & you probably don’t care. I mean, why would you?

Leave the science nerds to figure it out & ping me when my iPhone battery can last more than half a day, right?

Yes, but also no.

A month or so back we covered the Toyota deal, 746 miles on a 10 minute charge.

Absolutely groundbreaking for Electric Vehicles when that kind of range and charge time becomes the standard.

Now the nerds are getting all excited about sodium ion batteries.

If you’re also a nerd, here’s the full paper.

TL;DR Lithium is expensive and hard to extract, but is usually preferred in batteries because it has better energy intensity.

Well, had…

According to this latest paper, that advantage is GONE.

HCEM: The scientists developed a developed a high-capacity electrode made from nanostructured hard carbon (duh, obviously) and…

“This value is equivalent to the energy density of certain types of currently commercialised lithium-ion batteries... and is more than 1.6 times the energy density of the first sodium-ion batteries, which our laboratory reported back in 2011”

Professor Shinichi Komaba (Tokyo University of Science)

Which means another viable battery tech for phones, from a more abundant element, and even potentially the storage of green energy.

Over in China, BYD has just signed a deal with Huaihai to build a sodium battery base with 30 GWh annual capacity.

Life comes at you fast.

Solution: If you can’t find salt in the supermarket next week, it’s because we’ve cornered the market to launch a sodium futures exchange.

💡 The Lightbulb
Buy breweries

I don’t drink which makes me rather impartial to this trade idea.

But everywhere I go in London, I see pubs owned by Young’s Brewery.

Now, I used to get absolutely battered in these pubs a few years ago, so I can safely say they are a fantastic yuppy magnet and are going no where, while also being rather more expensive than your non-yuppy magnetic pub.

But even now that I don’t it’s actually crazy how much I notice them more.

Check out their chart too…

Recession proof?: All the ‘down’ movement has been because of the pandemic.

We are no longer in a pandemic.

Even if recession hits, people are going to drink — they might drink even more.

And note their financials for the last 6 months leading into October…

15.8% operating margin is ridiculous quite frankly.

The dividend is expected to increase by 6% next year as well, so what do you reckon?

A tasty stock to own?

Hit reply and let us know your thoughts.

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