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  • Reports of Bitcoin's death have been greatly exaggerated

Reports of Bitcoin's death have been greatly exaggerated

In case you hadn't heard...

Bitcoin plunged the most in more than seven weeks, just days after reaching a record.

The biggest crypto coin was down 9% to $55,323 at around 9:30 a.m. in New York on Sunday, after declining as much as 15% to $51,707 in the Asian day.

There's always an attempt to pin a narrative on these moves - What caused this?!

This weekend has been no different...


  • The U.S treasury will be charging financial institutions with money-laundering...



Or this one?

It shouldn't be a surprise, but people seem to have really short memories!

Bitcoin is a volatile asset & the Bloomberg headline tells us all we need to know

PLUNGE in February... Hits RECORD HIGH... PLUNGES 15% on a weekend in April...

Bitcoin just being Bitcoin...

Volatility + leverage = nearly $10B Rekt ๐Ÿ‘‡

 For me, the most likely driver of this was leverage + lower liquidity...

Everything can have an influence, but price cascades such as these are usually triggered by excessive order flow in one direction: excess leverage longs = lots of large sell stops & liquidations as the market falls...

I mean, do the other narratives even make sense?

Are people really trading size in Bitcoin whilst completely oblivious to potential attempts at 'regulation'?

"OMG this decentralised currency is being banned by some governments - I totally didn't see this coming - better sell in a blind panic"

The Russia story doesn't pass the test either - the U.S. treasury has apparently identifed 28 Russia-linked digital currency addresses which have received $2.5 million in Bitcoin since 2013...

Seriously... so f**ing what?

People have made more than that just by HODLing since 2013!

And wouldn't Russia just use some different addresses?

If anything, the idea that the U.S will continue weaponising access to their financial system for foreign policy goals should be bullish crypto!

Summing up...

Sticking to the subject of leveraged longs: Margin debt is up 71.6% since March 2020 according to Hedgopia ๐Ÿ‘‡

 From Mar '20 low, $SPX โ†‘ 91%. Leverage has played a major role. Margin debt, in 12 months to Mar, โ†‘ 71.6%, to $822.6bn -- a new record. The 2 have a tight historical r. From Mar '20, both โ†‘ in a parabolic manner. Reversal will inflict pain -- question is when. $SPY $QQQ $IWM pic.twitter.com/iCda7efhPiโ€” hedgopia (@hedgopia) April 17, 2021 

And the guys at Spot Gamma note the potential for another gamma squeeze (only this time it would be put-driven... ๐Ÿ“‰)  

It is now with markets at all time highs, and the cost of put options at lows that we think the next gamma squeeze will be put driven.

Additionally, put volumes in the SPX are actually lower than before the covid-crash.

Full details here ๐Ÿ‘‡

NOT CALLING A TOP: I'm not stupid enough to call the top in an uber-bullish bull market at All-Time-Highsโ„ข...

I'm just building a broader picture of what's going on...

The S&P has clearly changed since Covid (thanks Captain Obvious):

Weekly chart: blue line = 200DMA

Gone are the days of casually bumping along the 200DMA with low volatility, adding a handful of points every week...

Nope, this is a brand new BTFD market... ๐Ÿš€


7 weeks ago, the market took off from the lows ~3720, and we've added 456 points since...

The past four weeks have all closed just a smidge off the highs...

And that 4k area hasn't been re-tested either...  

Maybe it will just keep rising for a while longer, but I can't shake the feeling that there's just more leverage being added... and the short put trade could be something to monitor: more fuel for the fire...

Then all we need is the spark...

  • Geopolitics - U.S. - China/Russia tensions?

  • Fed taper jitters/economic data too good?

To my eye, the market seems complacently long right now and a correction into 4k would be no surprise...

Perhaps a little lower? If the leveraged trade is as large as it seems, the down move could come at quite a pace and may overshoot...

Also, if prime brokers are increasing margin requirements since Archegos, wouldn't those margin calls/forced liquidations come earlier/sooner as the market drops?

I would still rather buy the dip than try and short the top...

But it will be VERY interesting to see if this Bitcoin move spills over into the wider markets - keep an eye on the commodity currencies (AUD, NZD, CAD) on the open, especially AUDJPY.

Brent Donnelly at HSBC ran a study on the Bitcoin/AY correlation recently, here's the short version ๐Ÿ‘‡

Could the Bitcoin crash now be a signal to sell AUDJPY?

David hopes so, he's already short!

One more thing...

EURUSD and the mysterious Panda barrier: Have China cornered the market?

This one is purely based on trader talk...

On Friday (16th) I heard this

Was informed yesterday of a 1.17-1.20 DNT, belonging to one AAA name, no other details available

DNT = (Double No Touch): an exotic type of option which gives the holder a specified payout if the underlying asset price remains within a specified range until expiration - In this case that range is 1.17-1.20...

Another source said:

'Plenty of talk in the market that China have a sizeable Double No Touch with barriers at 1.1700 and 1.2000.

Price action certainly suggests this could be the case, with recent lows JUST above 1.1700 and decent sized and consistent selling in the high 1.19โ€™s over the last couple of days, helping to cap the whole of the Risk complex.

Given the performance of US Tsys and DXY, we think EURUSD is worth a cautious short term buy on a break of 1.2000, but ONLY on the break.

NOT to be front run as Chinaโ€™s track record on defending these barriers is very good'

Exotic option plays like these are not designed to be transparent, so there's no way of verifying who placed the bet, nor when it expires...

Soooo... Why are you telling me this?

EURUSD looks absolutely primed for a breakout to the upside...

If there is a whale sat there defending that barrier, it would likely reinforce the belief and send price lower instead... if you can't beat 'em, join 'em, right?

Interesting timing that this has leaked now as we approach 1.20

Apparently China don't usually execute this for less than two or three month expiries...

Price broke below 1.20 on the 4th of March: if this is genuine we could be rangebound for a while longer yet...  

If it does break above 1.20, many are calling for another leg lower for USD, with Goldmans calling for 1.25 for EURUSD within 3 months ๐Ÿ”ฎ...

"The combination of the rising euro-area growth expectations, solid equity returns for the region, initial normalization signals from the ECB, and more stable Fed pricing will extend the recent turn higher in the euro,"

Don't forget the S&P 500 earnings bonanza: 83 companies report this week including Netflix & Intel...

Make sure you tune into the TMI webcast in association with Equos!

 A star-studded panel of crypto experts, including our CEO @RichardByworth and @LSEnews Professor Carsten Sorensen, tackle questions every treasurer should be asking. What's driving the crypto asset boom and are they a viable investment? @TMI_live

Join in: https://t.co/TJEO10mgY6 pic.twitter.com/OK7LAGVj7wโ€” EQUOS (@EQUOS_io) April 17, 2021