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🔔 Sooner or later, we're going nuclear ☢

Sick of hearing about green goals, climate change and the energy transition?

Don't worry, you're not alone.

Although if we're being completely honest, it's the politics and nonsense soundbites that irritate the most, isn't it?

See the problem is our energy demands continue to increase, and that is not expected to change any time soon.


Which is why it's odd to see Angela Merkel pushing against nuclear, especially at a time when Germany's coal plants have been ramping up production.

Even in the US, coal has supplied 23% of U.S. electricity production from the start of the year through to mid-June 👇👇👇

And coal is at the highest price in a decade...


It's still one of the main sources of global energy...

Poor little nuclear is being left behind (even though Japan is reactivating nuclear plants for the olympics).

For clean and reliable energy, nuclear is clearly the best solution, but it is also understandable that many are cautious about fusion energy and still haunted by reports of previous nuclear disasters.

That's because people are emotional wrecks and don't understand that coal power is estimated to kill around 350 times as many people per terawatt-hour of energy produced, mostly from air pollution, compared to nuclear power.

Let's speculate on the future of nuclear! Starting with this twitter thread...

 Humanity is on the cusp of practically limitless energy via nuclear fusion and basically nobody is talking about it, which is nuts.

I left working in fusion because I was skeptical of the field's ability to progress, but my mind has totally changed (1/n)— Will Jack (@willwjack) July 19, 2021 

The problem with nuclear fusion has always been the perception that it is permanently 30 years away.

Now it seems the hardest part is over. The science is solved...

 WELL, recent advances in mass manufacturing high temperature superconductors make WAY higher magnetic fields possible, and hence make Q >> 1 fusion possible! (3/n)— Will Jack (@willwjack) July 19, 2021 

Which means engineering and business can take over.

Maybe Japan won't have to build all of these new coal plants after all...  

Here's a good read on the PR problem 👇👇👇

And the uranium market continues to develop 👇👇👇

 Uranium Weekly: A Watershed Moment for the Uranium Market? pic.twitter.com/y17tHgoZ9z— Uranium Equities (@UraniumEquities) July 22, 2021 

Definitely an area to keep an eye on as it will be a 'game-changer'. 👇👇

Emerging Markets: Can they catch up?

Research from Rabobank highlights the vulnerabilities in Emerging Markets.

Foreign debt is usually dollar-denominated...

And some countries have more than others.

Which is why the IMF are telling the Fed to be careful 👇👇👇

Any rapid swing to hawkish monetary policy from the Fed would put the most vulnerable EM's under pressure.

There may be an explosive cocktail in store for vulnerable EMs due to the combination of weakening of domestic currencies vs. USD as a result of FED policy action, increased foreign currency debt levels as a result of Covid-19, high commodity prices (including oil), and faltering domestic recovery as a result of new waves of Covid-19. - Rabobank

Here's Rabo's vulnerability index 👇👇👇

What's SNAPening?

(I regret NOTHING about that title)

Snapchat were mocked and ridiculed after falling flat post-IPO in 2017, but those days are ancient history now...

Q2 reports were exceptionally positive 👇👇

And revenue growth was even better!

The stock has rallied and currently sits +30% on the week 🚀🚀🚀