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Staggering epidemic of stupidity sweeps globe, experts baffled

All attempts at vaccination have failed, the human condition remains invincible

Thereā€™s no shame in being wrong.
There is shame in being wrong AND stupidā€¦

Brought to you by DarwinexZero. Allocating real capital to successful traders

Right. Iā€™m going to be mean about some people today. More specifically, about the market mistakes those people have made.

As those mistakes were made by people, thereā€™s no way to avoid mentioning them.

To be clear, itā€™s not ā€˜the peopleā€™ I want to focus on. Itā€™s the ideas, the thought processes and what those represent.

Theyā€™re just people.

As weā€™ve covered many times before, one feature of HumanOS is that weā€™re ALL capable of doing dumb shit.

Still, itā€™s way cheaper to learn from other peoples mistakes than our own.

Sooooo, letā€™s start with this exchange:

The question on everyoneā€™s lipsā€¦

WTF is Beta?

Officially, Beta is a measure of relative volatility. The more volatile an asset is relative to some benchmark that defines ā€˜normalā€™ volatility.

I prefer to think of it as the Alpha Illusion.

Wait. slow down. WTF is Alpha?

Alpha is excess return.

Officially, itā€™s the amount an investment outperforms a benchmark.

Some would argue that buying Nvidia stock rather than buying the S&P 500 this year is generating Alpha.

Alpha = (Asset return - Benchmark return)

Keeping it simple, that investment decision (Nvidia > SPX) has a ā€˜current Alphaā€™ of 191 (207%-16%).

But all too often that Alpha is an illusion.

It can be a one off success (as long as you close the trade), but itā€™s not repeatable.. Or with the gift of 20/20 hindsight, it turns out it was all beta (volatility).

One of my favourite visuals of this comes via Howard Marks

The distribution of the returns around different types of investments.

Higher risk often means higher volatility.

With some added notesā€¦

Most Alpha is just misdiagnosed Beta. An illusion created by volatility.

Some will argue that Alpha doesnā€™t even exist. Thatā€™s a different topic entirely.

So, back to Adamā€™s decisions, the 206 tweet thread & most importantly the beta.

High beta usually indicates greater sensitivity to things like systemic risks, deteriorating fundamentals, and the like.

Put another way, when the shit hits the fan, high beta assets get dumped.

The mega thread picked 40 odd altcoins to outperform in 2022.

Reddit numbercrunchers re-visited those predictions on the 4th of December 2022.

As seen from the table, we can conclude that if we had invested according to Adam Cochran's picks, we would be down 82% on our portfolio.

Also, as seen, only three alt-coins (YFI, LDO and RAMP) out-performed BTC, and that too by only 2-6%.

No alpha. Only beta.

Remember, we can all get it wrong sometimes. Thatā€™s just the admission fee for playing the game.

But thatā€™s not what this is about.

See, thereā€™s a MASSIVE difference between being wrong and staying wrong.

Which is why this reply caught my eye (and ā€˜inspiredā€™ the post):

seems to not understand VC moneyball or the fact shopping lists are for buying on dips.

And given my net worth is up across that period itā€™s reading comprehension not beta that matters here

If VC moneyball is just throwing a load of shit at the same wall and hoping some sticks, then I guess thatā€™s what it is. Understood.

Then thereā€™s the outcome bias.

ā€œAh well it worked out OK in the end so thatā€™s fine. No lessons to learn lolā€

A good process with a bad outcome requires that we remember nothing is for sure.

Bad outcomes from a bad process require a choice. If we are delusional and let our ego dominate, we mistakenly see this as bad luck. While we are aware that we had a negative outcome, we are unaware that it resulted from a bad process. In this case, we learn nothing. We are doomed to repeat our mistakes. 

More self-reflective people see bad outcomes resulting from bad process as an opportunity to learn as much as we can to avoid repeat failures.

Noble Intentions Go Unrewarded

Back in 2022, George Noble was hosting amazing Twitter Spaces. Conversations between FinTwitā€™s best and brightest that would go on for HOURS.

The knowledge shared was amazing, the conversations engaging, a genuinely enjoyable intellectual experience.

Which was of course, the problem. Itā€™s far easier to sound intellectual if youā€™ve got a negative outlook.

This became the time when ā€˜everyone was bearishā€™, so an echo chamber was born and George shot to fameā€¦

The warning signs are in the headline. Crusades donā€™t usually end well.

Nobleā€™s NOPE ETF was launched on September 29th & didnā€™t even last a year.

The fund is shuttering with less than $19 million in assets and a 68% decline since the start of 2023

Back to what I said at the start.

Thereā€™s no shame in being wrong.

There is shame in being wrong & stupidā€¦

Stupid (to me) means not examining why ā€˜bad thingā€™ happened.

Whether thatā€™s getting too emotional and fighting the market, or being blinded by your biases or some other root cause, it has to be examined.

And shame isnā€™t necessarily a bad thing. Itā€™s just feedback.

A precursor to humility.

The humbling experience known as learning things the hard way.

Itā€™s supposed to help us not make the same mistakes over and again.

Being wrong is inevitable. But we canā€™t skip the humbling.

Thatā€™s just stupid.

Donā€™t forget!! 20% off premium membership. Get it while it lasts!

The EURCAD trade mentioned earlier is off to a cracking start!