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  • Stimulus Passes Senate - U.S. To Outperform

Stimulus Passes Senate - U.S. To Outperform

Well done Joe, you passed the whole $1.9 trillion stimulus package...


It could run to far more than 1.9 trillion according to the CFRB...

We all know there's nothing more permanent than a temporary government measure...

OK, so stimmies are en route... What next...?

Sell the fact?

‌‌Or did markets already do that last week before it was fact...?

Or maybe these things are/were entirely unrelated...

Less thinking... just BTFD, right?

Errr... Maybe?

My main problem with the 'sell the fact' narrative is knowing how much was actually being priced in... 👇

 Since Jan 15, Goldman has upped is assumptions about near-term fiscal measures from $750bn ..

.. to $1.1 trillion ..

.. to $1.5 trillion ..

.. to ~$1.9 trillion.

“Assuming the House does not amend this version .. , President Biden is likely to sign it into law mid-week.” pic.twitter.com/vLBE0kZ02m— Carl Quintanilla (@carlquintanilla) March 6, 2021 

From a trading perspective, I'm leaning towards a 'buy everything' reaction initially...

Cathie's ARK might even get a bid...

Not sure how long all that will last...

Rates rising is generally bad for the unicorn stocks (highly levered with big promises that don't make any money) and these should remain pressured in a higher rates environment.

But just how much will markets rotate away from the tech giants and into consumer/'real economy' stocks...?

What impact would this see on the broader indices...?

The stimulus gives a lot of individuals at the lower end of the income scale a boost, plus the unemployment safety net is still substantial...

Those with higher incomes already have a pile of savings, and it is their social responsibility to spend and fulfil the forecasts of pent-up demand...

‌The U.S. reopening continues...

 🇺🇸 Since Friday, a lot of states have decided to ease restrictions including #California, #Ariizona, #SouthCarolina, #Oregon and #Nevada#Nevada adjusts distance rules, Las Vegas shows to return - APhttps://t.co/wZ8H5Fzu19— Christophe Barraud🛢 (@C_Barraud) March 7, 2021 

And the vaccination pace is still picking up...

 2.9 million vaccine shots logged today.

We continue to kick ass.

🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 pic.twitter.com/5GBwrLbDUC— Noah Smith 🐇 (@Noahpinion) March 7, 2021 

USD outperfomance to continue...‌‌‌‌

U.S. Economy Ready to Surge With Big Stimulus, Fast Vaccines

ECB meeting this week

PEPP data tomorrow will show if they were happy jawboning the yields lower or actively buying bonds when everything went a bit crazy at the end of Feb...

Recent ECB jawboning (via ABN)

 The ECB does have one dovish trick left up its sleeve for next week. Beyond increasing pace of PEPP buying, they can introduce the phrase “interest rates will stay at the current level… until at least after the summer of 2024”. Would be effective in taking EZ yields & $EUR lower pic.twitter.com/FNq0OXgSac— Viraj Patel (@VPatelFX) March 5, 2021 

Bonds, yields & FOMC blackout

‌‌U.S. treasuries keep getting sold and there could be more to come...

The SLR relief expires on the 31st of March 2021.

It can be extended at any time (not an FOMC decision so independent of blackout period). If SLR is not extended, 'forced' selling in treasuries could push yields higher again...

Keep an eye on these auctions - the poor 7 year auction a couple of weeks ago sparked a big move in rates, and there are some chunky auctions this week too...

Cards on the table, I don't fully understand the process.

The concern is how much demand there will be amid the SLR uncertainty (if primary dealers already have too many on the books with no SLR relief, why buy more?)

I'm guessing the shorter dated auctions will be relatively uneventful for wider markets, but the 3, 10 & 30 have potential to spill over elsewhere if the takeup is poor...

SLR explained by JP Morgan 🔽

More here

Place your (rate hike) bets...

 These charts never get old. pic.twitter.com/wy1IDe5j2n— Tracy Alloway (@tracyalloway) March 7, 2021 

Nice reminder that no-one knows, and everyone is just making their best guess...