We've lowered the price!



We've been kind over here at Macrodesiac HQ...

We've lowered the price of Macrodesiac Premium from £39 per month to £29.

Existing members at the higher price have had their subscriptions revised down too!

If you want to be able to understand markets better...

To be able to move away just from looking at charts and technical analysis...

To be able to show off your knowledge about financial markets and the economy...

Then jump onboard now.

If you want to join for life (forget paying monthly), then we're running a reduced price right now, but we're only giving a few away.

And by a few, I mean five.

That reduced price is £399.99.

For that, email me: [email protected]

Here's what our members have to say.

This lifetime offer will only run until the end of this week!

So make sure you send me a quick email ASAP!