What would you do in a nuclear holocaust?

If your answer isnā€™t ā€œbuy stocksā€, then weā€™ve failed you...

If Victoria Beckham said that stocks are up 6% this week because heartless capitalists love suffering and economic misery, would you believe her?

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šŸ’” The Lightbulb
What would you do in a nuclear holocaust?

If your answer isnā€™t ā€œbuy stocksā€, then weā€™ve failed you.

Seriously, hereā€™s the wolf of Dagenham David explaining:


Id buy #stocks if nuclear war were about to break out. Sounds crazy, i know.

Under the surface: The point isnā€™t really about nuclear holocausts. Itā€™s more to make you think about how people react to bad news, and the risk/reward of a trade.

I will NEVER forget the Covid fear selloff and subsequent bounce.

Relentless selling as the panic really set inā€¦ LIMIT DOWN, LIMIT DOWN

This chart doesnā€™t fully capture the drama, but you can at least see that emotions were running highā€¦

Until one day, the ā€˜F*ckitsā€™ stepped in.

No, not the Federal Reserve saying theyā€™d save the system!

The ā€˜F*ckitsā€™ are the ones who say ā€œEnough. If Iā€™m wrong, everything will be so horrifically bad that it doesnā€™t even bear thinking about. Losing a bit of money will be the least of my problems. F*ck it. Buyā€

And if you bought the close on the 23rd March 2020, you were rewarded with a 115% (2580 point) rally over the following 22 months.

Takeaway: Things are rarely as good as we hope or as bad as we fear. Invest & trade accordingly.

šŸ§  The Big Brain
Coinbase Will Be Sacrificed

Not just because of their atrocious earnings trends.

There seems to be a widespread belief that Coinbase will somehow emerge from this downturn and regulatory darkness like a shining light, a beacon for the industry to followā€¦

I couldnā€™t disagree more.

Seriously, if you believe that Coinbase can become the undisputed king of global crypto exchangesā€¦.

Then DM me, Iā€™d LOVE to talk to you about the launch of my brand new Magic Bean Blockchain.

Coinbase will be sacrificedā€¦

Pro Premium Members: click here to read our thoughts on the exchangeā€™s future

Subscribe to Fink Pro to read the FULL Big Brain piece, every single day (currently 20% off annual subscriptions).

āš” The Spark
Iā€™m so confusedā€¦

Everywhere you look, there are signs that the global economyā€™s weakening.

Unemploymentā€™s rising, leading sectors like housing & manufacturing are weak as, and central banks around the world are ā€˜on holdā€™.

Yet, stock markets are rising.

Clearly itā€™s because heartless capitalists love suffering and economic miseryā€¦

Bloody David Beckham spoiling my fun.

Anyway, the real confusion comes from this:

In case you donā€™t know, The Economist covers have an uncanny knack of being contrarian indicators. Weā€™ve written about this often.

Could they actually pull it off?

Based purely on Magazine Cover contras, the fabled soft landing might not be so preposterous after all.

Based on history, thatā€™s also what everyone says, in every cycle, just before things get bleakā€¦

Michael Kantro

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